The State of South Carolina only preserves one Civil War battlefield. The Rivers Bridge State Historic park is located in southern Bamberg County. The park combines a memorial area with the preserved battlefield.
The memorial area includes a small Confederate cemetery which contains several graves. It is a very peaceful rest under large oak trees.
Here is one gravestone of a Private who gave his life.
The battlefield portion of the site contains several entrenchments that are in great shape for being 140 years old. If you do visit the park, PLEASE STAY on the trails and off of the fragile earthworks.
Beyond being a Civil War battlefield, the Rivers Bridge SHP is also a great nature area. Along the river at the old bridge site, the river peacefully flows by. Birds can be seen along with a variety of other wildlife.
I recommend a visit to the park when you are in Southeastern South Carolina
To find out more about Rivers Bridge SHP please visit the SC State Parks website .
Educators and others interested in more history about the battle and also the historical site should also visit the National Park Services "Parks as Classrooms" site on RB SHP here
To learn more about the Civil War in South Carolina you might consider the following: