Happy President's Day..
I'm at work today, but here in the United States we are celebrating President's Day. That means that the banks, Federal government, and many schools are closed today. I noticed the difference this morning during my commute as there were no school buses and overall the traffic was greatly reduced.

Our company does not celebrate President's Day, so like I said I'm here in the office. It won't effect me to much, unless I needed to buy a stamp, or cash a check at the bank.
While President's Day began as a way to celebrate the birthday's of two of our greatest President's (Washington and Lincoln), I think that the day should be used to remember the lives of all of those men who have served, living or dead.
We might not always agree with the policies of the sitting President, and we might differ in our opinions of past President's but each of them was willing to serve our country.

Several of our President's have died in office, either from an assassin or from illness. All of our President's seem to age enormously during their time in office from the pressures placed upon them. I know personally, I'd never want the spotlight and pressure that they have placed on them and their families.
Thank you to all of our President's, from Washington to Obama for serving our country.