One of the reasons that I enjoy blogging and the internet is the chance to share my interests with others in a variety of forums...
My newest way to share with others is through my articles at For the last few weeks, I've been writing a column about Road Trips in the Southeastern US. If you haven't read it yet, I hope you will check it out at: It is a lot of fun to share some of my favorite places with others and also learn about new places from the comments and emails I get.
Now, my newest adventure with is to write a column on Railroad / Railway History called the Historic Railways Examiner, which can be found at This really helps me come full circle since I got involved in photography as a way to document and share my love of trains and railroads. I do this through the pictures I share here, my Historic Railways blog at and my RailHistory account on Twitter at
My loving wife Cindy, who co-writes the Moonlitbridges Blog with me, will be the first to tell you that all of this consumes time. Like any other hobby, it also consumes resources. However, I really feel the chance to share my work and adventures is worth the investment, I hope you do too.