Wandering near the CSX yard in Cayce, SC at lunchtime, I came upon this visitor to the NS between Augusta and Columbia.
The two Union Pacific units leading the 156 manifest northbound in a bright noontime sun made for a quick "impromptu" railfan experience.
I had the point-and-shoot with me so I grabbed the shot attached. If I had more time to "set-up" for the shot, I'd of been on the other side of the tracks for "better" light.
The other thing I noticed missing was a sense of place. While a die-hard railfan might be able to identify the location by the NS lineside equipment (signal, and boxes) or a botanist might shout "South Carolina" due to the foilage.. to the casual observer it is "just" an Union Pacifc train.
Of course, I know why the shot is "special" today because of "being there"... but will I remember in 5 years?
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