From buying 90% of my books in physical stores a couple of years ago, I've gone full circle and now purchase at least 80% of my books on-line either from Amazon
The electronic reader has been pegged as one of the reasons that brick and mortar stores such as Borders are failing. Many consumers are happy to save a few bucks (and maybe a few trees) and have their books to go electronically.
I still enjoy visiting bookstores, even chain stores such as Barnes & Noble, but even more used bookstores like the Book Tavern in Augusta or Ed's Editions here in Columbia. I still love to find an old book looking for a new home which I probably would of never bought on-line.
And I still enjoy reading physical books. Some books are just not the same on a kindle or PC or iPad. In particular books which include a lot of images (such as many railroad books) just are "better" in my opinion in print. Plus lots of older books are not available for e-readers (at least yet)
So for now, I find myself halfway into the digital bookcase and with way too may "analog" books according to my wife at least :)
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