Friday, October 28

Railroads - My new series

In this new series, I present railroads in a 3:1 ratio. Hope you enjoy the slide show and visit my website at to see more.

Tuesday, October 25

On the Farm

Some of my newest photographs, hope you enjoy.

Be sure to check out the rest of my photography at

Wednesday, October 19

Oct 18th 1st Google+ #TransportTuesday Photo theme Recap

Thanks to everyone who participated in the first G+ #TransportTuesday theme.

Any form of transportation that is not fourwheeled is fair game, and those four-wheeled ones have their own day on Friday.

We (well I) had the logistical glitch of whether we wanted it to be #transportationtuesday or #transporttuesday - #TransportTuesday is the winner.

I didn't have time to link to every submitted post here, but here are a a variety of transportation types submitted this week including:

Sailing Ships
Tug Boats
Cruise Ships
Wind Surfers
River Rafts
Fighter Jets
WWII Aircraft
Space Shuttles
and of course good old Footpower

There were even #transporttuesday entries that covered transportation infrastructure such as railroad tracks, boat docks, canals and roads.

There was even a duck and a seagull who got into the act!

I think that I saw all of the entries and tried to comment on as many as I could. If I didn't get a chance to see yours let me know.

I'm starting a new circle of participants which I will share on G+ each Tuesday, if you participated and I missed you in the circle, let me know and I'll add you.


See you next #transporttuesday

Be sure to check out the rest of my photography at

Sunday, October 16

Blue Ridge Parkway - Fall 2011

My favorite pictures from this weekends trip to the Blue Ridge Parkway

Thursday, October 13

Google+ 101: How it is making me a better photographer

Google+ has recently seen a large influx of members since it was opened to the public, at just about the same time as the most recent Facebook changes/upheaval.
I had a Google+ page for several months in beta, but had never really spent any time there to learn how it worked or how to leverage it.

Two recent Google+ changes make that a lot easier now.

  1. Circle Sharing: You can quickly add to your networks people who have similar interests to you.
  2. #Hashtags: Google+ (as of yesterday) now supports Twitter style hashtags which allow you to quickly search for similar items within the real-time stream.
I've been using Google+ to find Black & White photographers and also other users who use Canon equipment. I've also been sharing these finds as circles with my networks to help us discover each other.

A quick tour of Google+ will show you the variety and the quality of the work there from some famous and some not so famous (at least yet) photographers.

Be sure to check out the rest of my photography at
Are we friends there yet?

Tuesday, October 11

Friday, October 7

Hamlet Depot Nocturne

The ex-Seaboard Depot at Hamlet, North Carolina is one of my favorite places to visit and to photograph. The classic depot was built in 1906 and was moved across the tracks and restored in the mid 2000's. Used today as the local Amtrak depot and to house the City's railroad museum the depot provides plenty of photographic opprotunities.

This photo was taken at dusk on a moody evening as the depot sits waiting for the next train to arrive later that night.

See more of my Hamlet images

Tuesday, October 4

Peeling paint - TuesDecay

One of the photography daily themes I've been enjoying on Google+  is #TuesDecay which highlights photography of the world slowly returning to dust around us.  Be sure to search for other great #TuesDecay shots.

My #TuesDecay shot for the day is from Society Circle, South Carolina is an detail from the old hardware/general store.

Be sure to check out the rest of my photography at

Monday, October 3

4000 Horsepower - #MonochromeMonday Photo of the Day

A shiny rebuilt PR43C sits in the South Georgia sun on a bright Sunday Morning in Jesup.

Rebuilt by Progress Rail in Patterson, Georgia, the 4003 can deliver 4000 horsepower to the rails.

Be sure to check out the rest of my photography at