Wednesday, March 31

Woman fill the jobs during World War II #SOT

Jack Delano's great picture illustrates how the women of the US stepped forward during World War II to help keep the economy moving.

March is Women's History Month and I wanted to take the last day of the month to honor those who served in World War II. Male and Female, on the front lines and at home in the Roundhouse.

All their sacrafices made victory possible for the US in World War II.

(Picture caption: Women workers employed as wipers in the roundhouse having lunch in their rest room, C. & N.W. R.R. /Library of Congress)

Sunday, March 28

Watson Mill Bridge - Georgia

Cindy and I took a road trip this weekend over to Georgia to re-visit Watson Mill Bridge State Park between Augusta and Athens.

This was shot with the powerplant canal in the front and the rapids in the background.

Except for the cars in the parking lot, it could of been shot anytime in the last hundred yeras or so.

American Barns and Covered Bridges (Americana)

Hodge Podge of relics

Cindy and I took a road trip yesterday.. in Plum Branch, SC we saw this hodge-podge of discarded stuff on the front porch of a closed store.

Thursday, March 25

Hamlet NC Dusk

I'm reading a book about the Orange Blossom Special on the old Seaboard Coast Line. The back cover of the book is the hamlet depot with the Special at the station. The lighting is similar to this photo I took at dusk in Hamlet, North Carolina.

Monday, March 22

You see it everyday.. but have you ever photographed it?

This weekend I got out on Saturday and took a few photos of places I have visited many times but never got around to photographing. Here is the Blackville, SC Depot which has been moved and restored as the library.  When I was working everyday in Blackville, I used to spend lunches there checking out books or looking at the reference materials. Even with the ADA ramps, the library is in good shape and is a highlight of Blackville.

Miller's Breadbasket was packed on Saturday with a motorcycle club and a classic car club both downtown.

Sunday, March 21

Blooming Camelias in South Carolina

The camelias are in bloom around South Carolina. I found these at the Discovery Center near Blackville, SC on 3/20/10

Friday, March 19

Early flowers

Some early flowers in Aiken, South Carolina.

Iron fence detail #Photoblog

Ward Augusta Fence
Originally uploaded by Gene Bowker
At the Ward, SC cemetary, I found this wrought iron gate. The plate on it drew my attention as it was made in Augusta, Georgia.

The fence is over 100 years old and still in reasonably good shape.

Thursday, March 18

Sharing your passions.. commentary

Augusta Bridge Reflections

One of the reasons that I enjoy blogging and the internet is the chance to share my interests with others in a variety of forums...

My newest way to share with others is through my articles at For the last few weeks, I've been writing a column about Road Trips in the Southeastern US. If you haven't read it yet, I hope you will check it out at: It is a lot of fun to share some of my favorite places with others and also learn about new places from the comments and emails I get.

Now, my newest adventure with is to write a column on Railroad / Railway History called the Historic Railways Examiner, which can be found at This really helps me come full circle since I got involved in photography as a way to document and share my love of trains and railroads. I do this through the pictures I share here, my Historic Railways blog at and my RailHistory account on Twitter at

My loving wife Cindy, who co-writes the Moonlitbridges Blog with me, will be the first to tell you that all of this consumes time. Like any other hobby, it also consumes resources.  However, I really feel the chance to share my work and adventures is worth the investment, I hope you do too.

Wednesday, March 17

Before it's gone... #Photoblog

Electrical-Cabinet BW
Originally uploaded by Gene Bowker
I'm learning quickly that it is a good idea to take photos even under less than ideal conditions of old buildings and landscapes.

Very quickly.. they can be removed and scrapped and we lose a picture of what existed in the past.

This is a picture of the electrical building at the Hamlet Depot in Hamlet, North Carolina. It provides an interesting case study of what equipment would of been used in such situations back in the 1960's and 1970's.

What structures do you pass everyday which you should take a photo of before they are gone?

Tuesday, March 16

Remember When: Small Town Post Office - #Photoblog

Vaucluse SC PO

Remembering the small town post office, this one still in service in 2010.

Monday, March 15

Spring almost here

Vaucluse Bud

Spring is almost here.. shot at the Vaucluse Post Office 3/14/2010

Sunday, March 14

Look skyward angel - #photo #SC

Ward Daughter 3

This is the monument for Clinton Ward's young daughter in the Ward-Satcher section of the graveyard next to Spann Church in Ward, South Carolina.

Spann Church - Ward, South Carolina (1875)

Spann Memorial

Built in 1875, Spann Methodist Church is Ward, South Carolina still serves today.

Friday, March 12

some boardwalk shadows

boardwalk shadows
Originally uploaded by Gene Bowker
I liked the contrast between the diagonal shadows and the boards in this photo.

It didn't look good at normal height so I lowered the camera and was much happier with the result.

This was another case too where I preferred the Black & White shot to the color shot. Since I was focusing on angles and contrasts it seemed to work better.

Saving money.. Comparison Shopping

I spend my workdays looking for ways to lower the cost of my company's products. This includes a lot of "comparison shopping" to find the best product value for our money. My motto is "Pretend it is YOUR money".

Insurance for DummiesI keep telling my co-workers that the same idea applies outside of the office. There are many things that you can save money on, just be comparison shopping. One of these things is insurance.

With insurance, you have to weigh low costs versus the benefits from the provider. There are many website where you can go to compare many providers at the same time. A great website is which shows you how much you will pay.
Take a second and see how much you can save on Pennsylvania insurance by visiting their website.

Thursday, March 11

Heron - Edisto Memorial Gardens #photo

Heron - Edisto Gardens
Originally uploaded by Gene Bowker
The heron was not impressed by my attempts to photograph it, and finally decided the best course of attaction was just to ignore me.

You can see more of my Edisto Gardens photos and learn more about the history and activities there in my new article "Road Trip 101: Discovering Edisto Gardens" at

Tuesday, March 9

Monday, March 8

Advance in the direction of your dreams..

Gandy Sunset

If one advances confidently in the direction of their dreams,
and endeavors to lead a life which they have imagined,
they will meet with a success unexpected in common hours.
--Henry David Thoreau

Sunday, March 7

Bridge and Reflection


Shot this week at the Edisto Gardens in Orangeburg, SC

Landscape photography is the supreme test of the photographer - and often the supreme disappointment.
Ansel Adams

Saturday, March 6

Girl by the Lake

statue edisto

One of the statues which are located around Edisto Gardens in Orangeburg, South Carolina.